Sunday, February 26, 2012

AppleScript Language Guide

Link: AppleScript Language Guide

Run libSVM with Weka GUI on Mac OSX

* Command:
$ java -Xmx [max heap size] -cp [classpath: weka.jar libsvm.jar] weka.gui.GUIChooser

e.g: $ java -Xmx1024m -cp weka.jar:lib/libsvm.jar weka.gui.GUIChooser

Thursday, November 10, 2011

ZendOptimizer installation on Linux

  1. Check PHP version of the Linux server.
  2. Download ZendOptimizer:
  3. Follow the instruction of '1&1':
  4. After unzipping, you might write a '' file on the folder where ZendOptimizer was installed.

    * If you want to see whether the ZendOptimizer was installed successfully, check with '' and 'test_enc.php'.
* About setting PHP global variables with php.ini:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Install Boost on Ubuntu / 우분투에서 Boost 설치

* References:

* Installation Instructions:
  1. Download Boost Version 1.47.0 (
  2. untar the file into '/usr/local/src'
  3. Move into the Boost folder
  4. Run "$ sudo ./"
  5. Run "$ sudo ./bjam install"
* Test: (To be updated..)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Path of VMware Shared Folders on Ubuntu / VMware 공유폴더 우분투 경로

Host OS: Windows 7
Guest OS: Ubuntu

1. Set 'Shared Folders' at the "Virtual Machine Settings" menu on VMware Player.
2. Go to the path of "/mnt/hgfs/" to see the shared folders and files in the Ubuntu file system.